Is there a place to buy these books not on Amazon ? I refuse to support them . Much prefer a small privately owned bookstore. I'm in Canada.


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I totally understand. Soon Ingram Spark will list the book and bookstores will be able to order direct from them. If you know of a bookstore open to taking our book, please let me know.

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I will indeed. Thanks for replying.

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Ya, I refuse to amazon anything. No wally's, no target, so many more no's. I'll keep my eyes open for other purchasing options.

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Books stores can order the book for you through Ingram Spark.

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All book stores can order direct through their trade platform called Ingram Spark. Both volumes are now available.

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Buying multiple copies to give out as gifts to people I know and love. It’s so hard to talk to those who are locked into beliefs they don’t even realize are beliefs. And they’re ready to defend them by shutting out any explanations that make them feel uneasy.

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Yes, so true. So many need to become aware of all of the lies they were led to believe.

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That’s the point, they don’t know they’ve been lied to. Will they read something that goes against what they believe?

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Always wondering what to buy my now 19 year old grandson who is living in a sort of post Covid La La land - as part of a family who believes in the shots and is probably waiting for the next pandemic!

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Can't get the book on Amazon UK or Amazon France - I could use either options for family in UK or for us in France - but not available on either.

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Perhaps they just went live, but I can find them now: France:https://amzn.eu/d/4nRosAA


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Are these people you’re describing the ones you are buying the book for? If so-do you really think they’ll read the book? If not, hopefully they’ll give it to an op shop, then someone more worthy may benefit. Else, hope they don’t throw it out.

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Love all this kickback! Will look for this book!

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Edit: it turns out that my contribution was used. Rather than delete or edit my post, I’m here apologising to the editor Chris Klotz, for my incorrect conclusion and for any criticism implied. Such assemblies of articles and statements are a contribution to the first draft of history & are important for that reason, at least.

I reluctantly agreed to send something I’d written for legal purposes. I was invited to do so. I don’t believe a book is likely to change anyone’s mind though I’ll be delighted to hear of stories to the contrary.

There is a not inconsiderable list of other books that reveal that the entire event was long planned, wholly fraudulent (in my opinion there’s no such thing as covid19) and being perpetrated in order to install totalitarian digital control & probable population reduction.

I’m relieved to note that my contribution was ultimately not used. It’s consistent with intense censorship which I’ve experienced since 2020.

This is probably because I’m the only highly qualified person (toxicologist/ pulmonologist who spent a career in pharmaceutical research and development) who keeps patiently explaining why it is that I concluded years ago that these injections were designed intentionally to injure, kill and reduce fertility in survivors.

There are a lot of covid campaigners who are notably reluctant to be associated with someone who expresses such opinions, despite saying that the jabs would ge harmful BEFORE they were rolled out. Despite this fitting the observations that the level of coercion was immense. And fitting the long history of several standout families who are unquestionably involved in the fraudulent event.

There are no heroes. No one is coming to save us. No saviours beyond God.

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Mike we are honoured to include your essay in Vol 2, you are a very important Canary! I believe you looked at the Canaries in Vol. 1 and missed the graphic of the Vol 2 Canaries listing you. Thanks for being a part of this important book.

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Thanks Mike. I think you had the David Icke moment very early on. Icke's first video about covid was all guesswork but very apt when it came down to it . Joining a few dots. Thankyou for seeing things clearly and stating your instinct so early on. I knew other folks doing that who didnt survive so it was clear we didn't have freedom of enquiry. You gave us time to seek alternatives .

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I don’t know much about David Icke, but I have seen pictures of him making masonic/satanic symbolism. Make of that what anyone wants to!

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I dont make much of hand gestures. the guy has severe arthritis in his hands so he has few options how he holds them . Had a long chat with him years ago. I liked him .

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Oh, ok. But the hand positions are hard to do unconsciously, or if one is in pain.

But I respect your answer Yeowoman. I don’t know what to think now. I guess I’ll stick to I don’t know much about David Icke! I can’t remember where I saw the pictures, in someone’s notes, I can’t even remember whose!

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Ive done a bit of public speaking and they teach you to do some of those hand positions to focus your mind . I do them myself. A lot of it comes from yoga where certain positions balance the brain . Having said that i can see that sometimes it seems to be a signal to others.. I’ve had masonic handshakes done to me so i know they do this stuff :) I trust David Icke even tho he doesnt really have answers. He told us years ago what was going on.

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Ok then!

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Hello Dr Yeadon! You are a hero to me. You probably know the following, but there are many people having a go at you for speaking of ivermectin and infertility in the same sentence. One person in particular (of no particular stature) just refuses to look at the entirety of what you said. They also suggest Tess Lawrie would take you apart in a debate. (Sorry, but did the debate ever happen-I’m down under.)

For what I’m worth, I don’t believe in the β€œcovid virus”, and I think some people are making money about β€œearly treatment” of the common cold, or influenza. I often wonder if these people are β€œlimited hangout”, as it’s known.

I hope you are well, and getting along well with your life. Life is so hard, for so many, since 2020. (I know you are busy, no need to reply if you get this comment.)

Jesus is Lord.

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Thank you, Roger. Yes, it took me a while, because I’d been an insider all my professional life, to realise - at high levels at least - that there was nothing natural about what was going on. The evidence everywhere is inconsistent with a spreading pathogen & governments and other officials were lying their heads off.

The potential for impacts on fertility isn’t the most important thing about the heavily pushed drug, which I think has to do with narrative reinforcement. β€œThere must be a new illness, otherwise why are new treatments needed?”

Debates aren’t a scientific or forensic tool. They’re political tools. They’re not set up to assist in reaching measured conclusions. I don’t have a position or stance that must be defended at all costs. Joining a debate isn’t faintly of interest to me. I’ve reflected long on my actions and am comfortable with them.

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Well said Dr Yeadon. Yes, new illnesses need new treatments indeed! As do old illnesses, like cancer. Or I should say β€œturbo” cancer. And much more caused by the injection.

So sad that people can’t see the connection with the jabs, and exponential growth in disease in general. Doctors of all people should know. What they’ve allowed to happen is such a disgrace. Things are especially bad in Australia. Many people do know what’s happening, but so many more don’t. They’re still lining up for the covid/flu jabs each Winter, and over 70’s are recommended to get a covid jab every six months. I think that’s correct.

It’s really bloody embarrassing to be Aussie at the moment. Anyway, I don’t mean any harm to anyone (except government, media, education, public service in general, and of course bankers and banking and royal families, and WEF/UN/WHO), I wish people all the best. But please WAKE UP!

Sorry for the rant, sir. I’m very glad you are comfortable with your actions, you’ve always come across as a man of integrity over the last (nearly) five years. Wow, we’ve been here a long time!

I wish you all the best Dr Yeadon, it’s been my pleasure having a brief chat with you sir. As it’s nearly just a month away, I wish you and yours a very Merry Xmas. I personally wish everything good for you and your family during the unstable period in the future. Maybe humanity will set things right, or maybe it’s God’s plan for the world to collapse.

Goodness, what a note to end on! Bye now Dr Yeadon. You’re a good man. Thank you for your commitment to truth! πŸ™‚

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β€œThought Leaders” is rather a conceitful term, especially if trying to tap into a new audience, wanting them to learn. Think about it as if the shoe is on the other foot.

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What do you suggest?

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Something like β€œdoctors and scientists speak about covid truths”

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Too bad, I can’t even afford to buy a book, even if β€œthey are winning”. Everyday Joes and Janes are not winning.

Some people can’t afford to buy food, let alone a book. Will this book save them? If someone can answer this in the affirmative, please tell how.

I believe some of the authors are of a limited hangout nature, and they may not even know it.

And I don’t buy anything from that scumbag extremist xxxx of a store that is amazon, either. Well, I don’t buy much of anything really.

Don’t worry, I predict many more books to get people spending money they can’t afford at Xmas.

I am trying to be Christian, hence my politeness (I’m new at this), but I don’t believe Xmas is Lord Jesus Christ’s birthday, and I don’t believe he would want Xmas the way it is, even if it really is his birthdate. I don’t know much about the calendar, but didn’t the Romans add two months? If so, was this before or after Christ’s supposed birthdate? Remember, Christian in learning here.

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To learn the best researched chronological truth of history, including Jesus -- gotta go to Archaix.com,


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Inane comment. Why even bother?

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Clearly you haven't spent much time at Archaix.com

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How do I message you to get a free copy? Is this appropriate?

Sincere regards, Jim Bennie, MD

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At the moment I was about to reply to someone, their comment was suddenly deleted. In his text was the following line addressed to Dr. Mike Yeadon :

"Thanks Mike.( ... ) Thank you fot seeing things clearly and stating your instinct so early on. ( ... )"

Although the comment can no longer be found, I still decided to answer it :


At this point, I disagree with your claim that Dr. Yeadon's statements were based on his intuition. I have very good reasons to claim that this was and is well-founded expert knowledge. All claims about the existence of the alleged SARS-CoV-2 virus are false and there are no viruses that can come to the aid of the sudden restoration of the declining US dollar power, just now, when the strengthening of the ailing power is needed. Nobody knows better than the experts that this is a "pandemic" that was completely invented from A to Z and that the plandemic was based solely on fraudulent tests. That is why I find it embarrassing when someone claims that this correct and scientifically sound conclusion is based on intuition. Such a false claim implies that it is merely an opinion and not well-founded expert knowledge. The highly toxic composition of the substance that attempts to imitate a "vaccination" can also be clearly linked to an intention to cause harm because of the early knowledge (and not because of "intuition"). No "mistakes" were made here, because real mistakes are usually corrected immediately, and not denied, censored, or watered down and distracted by absurd claims from some alleged "canaries". Anyone who has been supporting the perpetrator narrative for 5 years and stoking fear of a "new virus" in people's minds, their alleged "revelations" are not worth reading. On the one hand, they are educating people, but on the other hand, they are doing more harm to public opinion and confusing it rather than helping it. Your claim that Dr Yeadon's statements are based on his intuition is another example of this. It is not just any "opinion", but strictly scientifically based knowledge. I repeat, Dr. Mike Yeadon's statements are not based on "intuition" but on expert knowledge, which is based, among other things, on the fact that the claims to the contrary do not stand up to a scientific reality test. I submit that most "Covid" preachers, especially the real experts, know this only too well after 5 years of research, but the truth is not compatible with their interests and business strategy.

Here you can see hundreds of proofs that my claims are true:


Best wishes,


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