Senator Johnson Slams Partisan Hostility, Calls for Transparency in RFK Jr. Hearing
- Transcript and Video
Below is the video and transcript of Senator Ron Johnson’s exchange with RFK Jr. at senate confirmation hearings on January 30th 2025.
Senator Johnson is important political Canary who has been working tirelessly to expose the harms inflicted by the “Covid Cartel.”
Senator Ron Johnson writes Chapter 14 in “Canary In a Covid World; How Propaganda and Censorship Changed Our (My) World” titled “Pandemic Politics and America’s COVID Cartel” available at Amazon here. The book is collection of essays from 34 contemporary thought leaders.
Vol 2 titled '‘Canary in a Covid World; Money, Fear and Power” was released on November 11th 2024 and features 37 Canaries including a chapter by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. titled “Healing a Divided Nation; The Fight For Free Speech, Health and Peace.” Both volumes are now Amazon #1 Best Sellers.
Senator Johnson: I can't say as I'm surprised by the hostility on the other side. I'm highly disappointed in it. I don't know if you remember when you called me up and you were contemplating sending your political differences aside, joining forces with President Trump on an area of agreement addressing chronic illness, trying to find the root cause of of all these problems facing this nation. My first response was, Bobby, this is an answer to my prayers. We need to get to the answers of this. But even more, we need to heal and unify this divided nation. I'm not necessarily the most optimistic guy because we've got enormous challenges facing this nation. But I thought, wow, here's somebody from the left. Somebody I don't agree with on many issues politically coming together with President Trump and focusing on an area of agreement, something that the American people desperately want. Finding out the answers, what has caused autism? what is causing chronic illness? Mr. Kennedy, I know, I think I've come to know what's in your heart. I think I know the personal and political price you've paid for this decision. I want to say publicly, I thank you for that. I truly appreciate what you're doing here. Can't we come together as a nation and do this? Can we do it? Aren't you getting tired of this? I'm getting tired of this. So again, Mr. Kennedy, I need to enter in the record. these are just 11 letters of support signed by 63,000 people. Thousands of doctors from the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, Independent Medical Alliance, the North Carolina Physicians and Freedom Group, governor Jeff Landry from Louisiana. These are Americans. Nonpartisan. A lot a lot of these people I know because I've advocated with you. A lot of them are Democrats. They put their political differences aside. So, Mr. Chairman, I would like to enter this in the record without objection. I also do want to Mr. Kennedy, as long as I have you here, I've written over 70 oversight letters to the federal health agencies under the Biden administration. I've actually gotten squat out of them. Okay. What I get for example, 50 pages of Anthony Fauci's emails. Redacted. The latest one was 17 pages instead of issuing a health alert on the myocarditis. Myocarditis, they knew was impacting young men early in 2021. Instead of issuing an alert on the health alert network, they developed 17 pages of talking points. This was given to the public under a FOI request. They had to go to court. They got a new way of redacting. They don't block things out. They just give you white pages so you don't even know what they have redacted. So again, I've issued a subpoena now to cover the information I've requested in 70 oversight letters. My question to you is as Secretary of HHS, will you honor these requests from Congress? And will you make HHS transparent?
RFK Jr.: Yeah. My approach to HHS, I said before, Senator, is radical transparency. Democrats and Republicans ought to be able to come in and get information that was generated at taxpayer expense that is owned by the American taxpayer. They shouldn't get redacted documents. Public health agencies should be transparent. And we if we want Americans to restore trust in the public health agencies, we need transparency. I want to say something about what you first said when I launched my campaign, it was about uniting Americans, Democrats and Republicans. There's no issue that should unite us more than this chronic health epidemic. There's no such thing as Republican children or Democratic children. These are our kids. 66% of them are damaged. I know what a healthy kid looks like because I had so many of them in my family. I didn't know anybody with a food allergy growing up. Peanut allergy. Why do five of my kids have allergies. Why are we seeing these explosions in diabetes? Rheumatoid arthritis. Neurological diseases. Depression. All of these things that are related to toxic to the environment. Why can't we just agree with each other to put differences about so many issues, intractable issues aside, and say, we're going to end this. I don't think anybody is going to be able to do this like I am because of my peculiar experience, because I've litigated against these agencies. When you litigate against them, you get a PhD in corporate capture and how to unravel it. I've written six books about these agencies. I know a lot about them, and I know how to fix it. And there's nobody who will fix it the way that I do, because I'm not scared of vested interest. I don't care. I'm not here because I want a position or a job. I have a very good life and a happy family. This is something I don't need. I want to do this because we're going to fix it. And the other thing is, we are attracting now a caliber of people to HHS like never before in history. And they're entrepreneurs. They're they're disruptors. They're innovators of immense talent that are walking away, many of them from growing concerns. They're not coming there for position. They're coming there because they want to save our country, and they're from across the political spectrum. And all these Democrats are opposed to me for partisan issues. They used to be my friends agreed with me on all the environmental issues that I've been working on for my whole career. Now they're against me because anything that President Trump does, any decision he makes has to be lampooned, derided, discredited, marginalized, vilified.