That was a refreshing exchange! Senators Warren, Sanders and the rest of the shills should be feeling ashamed today. I didn't know RFK Jr has five children with allergies. I (here in the UK) would be wary of being a parent in the USA as things stand.

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You can tell which Senators are coming from their heart, versus reciting a script they designed to distract and deceive.

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Confirm RFK Jr.

How many more citizen-voters do you need to maim-kill with blanket liability in place?

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The answer is very simple. There's nothing to be perplexed about. Democrats like Senator Warren and Bernie Sanders don't give a rat's ass about Americans health. They're all satanic in their heart and the money they collect and who runs their campaigns and makes sure the elections are fixed so they stay in power are what matter to them. They don't care about your baby your child you or anyone. They are evil and satanic. That's the Democrat Party of today

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Well said. But people still don’t get it. Brainwashed apparently.

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Yup. Totally satanic. I live in Massachusetts, and this state is rigged, both with illegal voters on the polls, and via the legacy media, which sadly, so many Americans, and people in Massachusetts, still rely on.

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Jan 31Edited

Well Johnson is a sensible guy. Anyone that doesn’t want to admit that American kids health has been declining for many years is either paid off or just ignorant. It’s a fact, our kids are getting progressively more unhealthy. We need to know why. If it’s vaccines, food, air or anything else, we don’t care who looses income when we figure it out. Good health is an incredibly important issue. Big Pharma will survive, payoffs might not. These radical a-holes will learn when they do not get re-elected that people care more about their kids than them. Bye bye all of them. Their gravy chain of money needs to end NOW. MAHA. Boy do they piss me off!!!!!

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It should not only be about the kids .Adults deserve protection just like the kids . Without healthy adults around the kids are lost .To have healthy kids you need healthy adults first ,otherwise the kids have no one to learn from . I agree with Mr Kennedy on everything he wants to accomplish ,but he can't come to your house and take care of your kids ,it is the responsibility of informed adults with a healthy mind that will make Mr. Kennedis plans reality .

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Yes Joe absolutely agree.

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All of those plus the ultra sounds for pregnant women. From there starts. Then the rest you mentioned.

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VERY SORRY about your husband. PRAYING Dr. McCullough’s long COVID protocol or Dr. Pierre Kory's telehealth can help him recover:


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Feb 1Edited

My brother-in-law died when his platelets stopped clotting after his second Pfizer.

My husband was deemed fully disabled after his second Pfizer.

Neither would listen to me prevaxx.

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One of the first things RFK said was that the taxpayers pay for the HHS and therefore own it and that the HHS should be responsive to the taxpayers. This sounds great but unfortunately it is not true.

Think about the car you are making payments on or the house that has a mortgage. You do not own these things, the bank owns them. And you work like a slave every day to make these payments for years to come. Your Bible tells you that whoever is in debt is a slave to the lender and the lender is the master of the slave.

The private central banking families own HHS. They own all of the government and their agencies. They also own you and your children. You see you are the collateral on the loans that politicians have taken out. You, the tax payer are on the hook. You (we) are slaves.

These people claim ownership of you because of the debt that is owned to them. This debt is from money that they created from nothing by the way. What a scam! They create money from nothing, lend it to your government and you are enslaved to work for a wage and pay this debt back. But they do not want you to be able to pay it back. This is also part of the scam.

This ownership claim that they have on us is also why they have the audacity to look at us like livestock; a human resource (their resource) to be managed. This management includes culling us if they think our numbers are too high to be managed. Do you think they will tell you this? Like "Hey, we are going to kill off a bunch of you that aren't useful to us now!"

So you better wake up to who the real problem is. It's not the blacks, the whites, the jews, the gentiles, the muslims, the Chinese, the Russians, the Iranians, the men, the women, the straight, the gay, the old or the young. All of us are the victims and pitched against one another to keep us distracted & fighting the wrong people. It is the psychopathic, amoral, evil central banking elites and their allies who are doing this to all the rest of us. And they own all the major corporations including "big pharma".

This is why they do not respond to congress (many of whom are their allies), because might makes right and they have the might. They will not ever stop unless they are stopped.

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Thank you. May I use your name and words in another Substack?

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Feel free

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It was a really good speech, but Senator Johnson is apparently not able to challenge the Department of Defense who created and managed the COVID emergency operations.

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The department of defense takes orders from someone...

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Senator Johnson fought hard in support of classic public health policies all the way through the global Covid-19 operation. He supported many of the world's top epidemiologists from Yale, Harvard, Stanford, Oxford, and others. None of their voices were heard in the media.

Throughout all this, and most particularly in the Senate confirmation hearing for RFK Jr., Sen. Johnson has spoken with strong, balanced intelligence from a heart that loves and craves the truth.

He is my favourite Senator.

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Such a great speech on Johnson's part--praising Bobby and shaming the Dems who only want to prevent any success in the Trump Presidency--and such a wonderful response fro Kennedy that makes it clear he is doing this for America and our children. He doesn't need the job but HHS and our country need him.

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Kennedy is the man for the job. 100%. Since when is healthy food a partisan issue? At least RFK is honest, unlike Warren, who claimed to be of Indian ancestry to get a well paying job. Or how about Sanders- avowed communist under the guise of democratic socialism, who ran the VA into the ground, wrote a porno book in his young adult life, had a wife who destroyed an iconic college with graft, and who never had a real job outside of Congress? I wrote to both my NJ senators & just said "confirm RFK" as if your life depends on it- because it literally does.

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Oh yeah. Transparency in action. A truthful, kind and respectful communication. Fabulous.😁🤩🥰😇

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Senator Ron Johnson is a COURAGEOUS, SACRIFICIAL Hero/Warrior.

My two U.S. senators did NOTHING to help Americans hear the TRUTH about the EVIL being inflicted upon us for 4 1/2 years.

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Senator Johnson is a hero of mine. As someone from the left, I sent him my very first campaign contribution to a Republican. It was a sobering moment: The world has turned upside down.

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The only reason the vaccine scam was exposed was because finally the administers of the poisens now had to take the poisen themselves.

I live in hope that all the zombies in this world will put their cognitive dissonance aside and see that we were once born healthy and lived healthy. Now we are born sick and stay sick. There is much money to be gained in this sick cycle. There is no money pit for big pharma when your healthy. 🌸

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God help us. These people who don't support RFK are devils. They don't care about our children. I urge everybody to vote them out when their election comes up. Meanwhile our hearts are broken because we thought we had a friend in Robert F. Kennedy who actually cared about children's diseases that can so easily be dissolved by getting rid of chemicals and certain elements that cause them. God sees what you evil people are doing. Don't think for a minute that he doesn't know.

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