CHAPTER 33 Confronting the COVID Global Predators. How it Overturned Our View of the World—and of Human Life Itself
Dr. Peter & Ginger Breggin Psychiatrist
An excerpt from: Canary In a Covid World; How Propaganda and Censorship Changed Our (My) World. A collection of essays from 34 contemporary thought leaders. Just released on Amazon here:
From the beginning in February and March 2020, it seemed that COVID-19 “science” was being distorted and used to enforce the government narrative about the need for draconian political measures. Troubled by what we saw, we began to weigh whether or not to become more fully engaged in research and perhaps activism surrounding COVID-19.
I anticipated that I might be unusually well-prepared for the task of examining COVID-19 policies. As a physician, psychiatrist, medical-expert, and scientist, I have written more than twenty popular books and medical textbooks, many of them examining what I called the Psychopharmaceutical Complex, which we now see as the tip of the globalist empires. I had already written more than 70 peer-reviewed scientific reports as well as chapters in medical and scientific books dealing with everything from the fraudulent approval process for vaccines and the suppression of vaccine harms[1] to how the FDA works behind the scenes to help drug companies hide their more serious adverse effects, such as violence and suicide from Prozac (fluoxetine) and other antidepressants.[2] But I remained unprepared for the kind of disclosures of evil that would explode out of our research into COVID-19.
My background was also unique in having been approved as a scientific and medical expert more than 100 times in court in the U.S. and Canada, often testifying about medical malpractice, negligence by medical institutions, drug company malfeasance, and the failures of federal agencies including the FDA and NIH. Some of my successful cases involved applying the Nuremberg Code and other principles of medical ethics to human experimentation.[3] I was far more sophisticated about issues surrounding consent, coercion, fraud and dereliction in medicine, the pharmaceutical industry, and science than the vast majority of my colleagues. But I was not nearly prepared for what we would quickly discover—a conspiracy to hide a widespread global plan—more than a decade in the works—to impose a kind of martial law on the world with the next pandemic in order to increase the power and the wealth of those at the top of human pyramid.
The Origin of SARS-CoV-2
In mid-March 2020, Anthony Fauci, the government czar of COVID-19, as well as legions of supposedly reputable scientists, science writers, and high-ranking officials in medicine and science were rejecting the possibility that a SARS-CoV virus could have been made in a virology lab, specifically including the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China. Often they denied that such a virus could be made in any lab and certainly not by the Chinese. They argued with certainty that SARS-CoV-2 had originated in animals in nature and then been accidentally transferred from an animal to a human. This alleged risk of animal to human transmission, they argued, required constant preparation by creating new pathogens and then making vaccines for them. The flaw in this thinking? It is far more likely that humanity will continue to be struck down by pandemics originating out of the innumerable labs around the world rather than out of nature. ….
Continue reading this essay in the book: Canary In a Covid World; How Propaganda and Censorship Changed Our (My) World. A collection of essays from 34 contemporary thought leaders. Available on Amazon here: